I will be living in housing right across from the school. They are actually building it for me right now! I will feel like a queen - with electricity and running water! The village is very small with few buildings and shops, but it is only about 30 miles from Oshakati, which is one of the largest towns in northern Namibia. In Oshakati, I will be able to get groceries and other necessities, use the internet, and connect with other World Teach volunteers.

It will cost approximately $6000 for me to participate in the program (who would have thought that volunteering would be so costly!). I will be financing this experience with my personal savings and donations. World Teach will match funds obtained through fundraising, up to $1,000. I currently need about $550 more to reach my goal! Your contribution will go towards paying for my plane ticket, health insurance, and supplies for my classroom. I appreciate all of your donations!
For a donation of $25 or more,
you will receive a beautiful hand sewn tote bag
For a donation of $10,
you will receive a set of 8 handmade greeting cards (Thank You, Holiday, and Blank)
All items handmade with love!
Great for Christmas/Holiday gifts!
All donations (of any amount) will make you a recipient of a personal letter from one of my Namibian students once I have established my classroom. Please fill out an envelope with your name and address
Your support is greatly appreciated.
PERSONAL CHECKS ONLY payable to: WorldTeach, No Cash Please
Thank you for your interest and support.
To learn more about WorldTeach, go to www.worldteach.com